
Back to it...

Have you noticed that my posts haven't been, well, normal lately? I really want to get back to how it was.

But I haven't a clue what to write about....

Soooo. I guess I'm going to have to just randomly open my bible!

Awesome....never read this before. Luke 11. God apparently wants to get the word out about prayer!

Luke 11: 24

"He (Jesus) said to them, When you pray, say:
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come
Give us each our daily bread
Forgive our sins
For we also forgive everyone who sin against us
And lead us not into temptation'

I learned this a bit differently. But since God wants us to say this in particular, I would reccomend writing it down somewhere to read. Soon you'll have it memorized!

I also like Luke 11: 9

'So I say to you: Ask and it will be given; seek and you will find; knock on the door and it will be opened to you.'

Wow. I didn't think of it like that before. God is making a HUGE promise right there! He is saying that WHATEVER you ask, he will grant. ANYTHING. Even if whatever you pray about doesn't happen at the 'right' time/ place, it will happen! Because, I mean, I guess I was thinking that people who were losing jobs weren't getting them back...but maybe they just weren't praying for it. And maybe no one was praying for them. This is where the importance of praying for others comes in. If you ask he will comply! I know you might also be thinking, 'I prayed that someone wouldn't die and they did.' ' I prayed that someone's cancer would go away and they died from it.' Well, did they really die? (eternal life) And after they die, they are now free of sickness! So see, as I said before, even if it doesn't happen in the 'right' way, it will happen!

Did this change your perspective?

I know it sounds a bit weird that I didn't read this before writing it, but God gives me the words! He works in such AWESOME ways!



monica said...

What if we don't pray? we are like thinking...God is seeing it all, he'll grant whatever he has to grant.We don't have to ask for it.
What's your take on this?

gymnstxlvr said...

Okay, we talked about this during church.

Yes, he DOES know all of your thoughts, and he could choose between them which to grant. All you said there is true.

But God WANTS to hear your voice, so he knows that you trust him with everything, and don't just rely on him to invade your head. And also, you aren't neccesarily asking things in your thoughts. And he says that whatever you pray for he'll grant. So wouldn't it be easier/ more reliable to pray?

Is that what you were asking?


monica said...

okk...that's what i wanted to know.
Well answered :)

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