
Me....and *him*

First of all, you love my blog, don't you?

Yes, yes you do. You think it's AmAzInG....right? ;)
Well, I'll let you have your own opinions, but there is this *guy*.

JeRrY vArNeR.

And he has this *blog* that he thinks is so much *cooler* than mine. Grrr....

And I mean it's *good* and everything.... but he thinks it's sooooo much better than mine!!!!! So if you LoVe my blog *cute smile* and you want to let him know, click here and vote on his poll and vote for me, Faith.

Because you love me. You know it. :)

And if you want to HeAr why mine is so much better AND all of our AmAzInG Kilmarnock experiences click here




Leigh Nicole said...

hey faith!

Anonymous said...

Nice Faith I will spend my evening dissecting and studying the content and comments comparatively to the strongest man on earth the great theologian "JV" However a critical as the trinity is to our beliefs we must understand Happiness is also.It touches our deepest emotionz. Here is a thought for all the blogerz.
Happiness is to know the Savior
Living a life within Hiz favor
Having a change in my behavior
Happinezz is the Lord
Real Joy is mine no matter how the tear dropz fall.
I found a Savior and it Jesus in my heart.
Theologically not arguable!!!
Happinezz is the Lord!!!

Bill Pomeroy
Enon Campus Pastor

Faith said...

Hey Leigh!

JV is not the strongest man on earth. If you see his blog you will see that I am winning by a landslide! :) But nice thoughts!