

So you know how I randomly open my bible sometimes? Just to see what I
find? Well today I got a message, which seemed to be specifically for

*iSaIaH 35:4*
Say to those with fearful hearts, 'Be strong, do not fear; your God will come.

I just thought I'd share that comforting verse with you.

So, I'm supposing that we've all heard about loving our enemies and
yada yada yada....right?

*MaTtHeW 5: 47*

"And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than
others. Do not even pagans do that?"

So in my opinion this is saying "Be different. Be like Christ. Don't
do things ordinarily, do things extraordinarily!"

You are awesome! You are in essence, trying to tell others about God's
love and trying to help change their lives, correct? Well how can you
do this if you can't demonstrate how God's love can change! How his
love can heal!

Soothing words
Comforting hugs
These a demonstration
Of the good Lord above

The gift of happiness, peace
You are amazing, his precious one
And through you my friend
All of his work can be done

Spreading joy
Showing all his power
Saving their eternity
By sharing one small hour

God's love is great
God's love is pure
God's love can heal
God's love can cure


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