
Honestly? I wish I knew.

During english we were talking about whether or not we would want to know our futures.

I said no.
Honestly? I don't want to know when I'm going to die! Um, no.

But some parts? I wish I knew. I wish I knew the outcome of certain events so I could make smarter decisions.

Currently, I am extremely tired. I've had a...bad week. Readjusting to the whole school thing..more difficult than I expected.

But, as I said, I'm tired, so I'm going to wrap this up.

Chowwww(: And yeah, I mean chow DOWN!

1 comment:

blessedsharon said...

Chow down? You are too funny! I miss you and I am so glad that you haven't neglected to blog;->
I wish I had known things before I started getting high...but knowing about the CRPS...naw...I truly would not have been brave enough, I would have been grieving for all of the hiking, camping, concerts, etc. while I was still doing it...it would have tainted it. So, MY overall vote is NO but it is tantilizing at times;->

I hope that this week offers wonderful (underline wonderful) new horizons and the energy to take advantage. Missing you! -Much love, Sharon